Welcome to the libnetmd project website. libnetmd is an open source effort
to provide tools for use with Sony
NetMD recorders under operating systems supported by the libusb
project (currently Linux, Net/Free/OpenBSD and preliminary MacOS X support).
The project is composed of libnetmd (which provides core functionality) and
netmd (a sample application using libnetmd). Currently libnetmd is the only avalible
component and development on the libnetmd interface is expected to begin soon.
While our primary development platform is Linux for i386 hardware, our current
code base is also known to work under MacOS X on PowerPC. One of our primary
aims is cross-platform compatibility. If you get the chance to test libnetmd
on any other platforms libusb supports, please let us know the results.
Currently libnetmd supports the following operations on all currently known
NetMD recorders:
- renaming and moving tracks (in and out of groups)
- renaming and moving groups (experimental)
- renaming disc (experimental)
- printing TOC of disc
- creating/deleteing groups
- removing tracks
- play, pause, fast forward, rewind and stop
- and probably some other stuff
In the future we hope to support uploading audio to NetMD recorders and all
other editing functions which are not presently implemented.
Check out the main menu to the left for downloads, documentation, news and
other items of interest. If you'd like to get involved with the project, join
the netmd-devel mailing list.
Read up on how to access the sourcecode
If you are user who has questions please see our libnetmd-users
mailing list.
You may also want to check out our forums.